losteveryone Mar 07, 2011 17:41
blood and coffee, [where] sixwordstories, [verse] fanged, sam is a sneaky bastard, [verse] open
losteveryone Mar 02, 2011 20:42
[where] sixwordstories, mostly human ways, i won't have it, [verse] fanged, sam is a sneaky bastard, [verse] open, [where] smuttysixwordstories
losteveryone Feb 03, 2011 14:50
[where] sixwordstories, [verse] fanged, sam is a sneaky bastard, [verse] open
losteveryone Oct 23, 2010 14:35
[verse] fanged, sam is a sneaky bastard, [where] dear_mun
losteveryone Sep 22, 2010 14:32
[where] sixwordstories, [verse] fanged, sam is a sneaky bastard, [where] spn_sws, im a monster, it's coming back to haunt him, [verse] open, what just happened?
losteveryone Jul 29, 2010 13:55
[where] sixwordstories, sam is a sneaky bastard, [verse] glittering clouds, [verse] open, breaking and entering
losteveryone Jul 14, 2010 13:43
[where] sixwordstories, sam is a sneaky bastard, [verse] glittering clouds, [verse] open